There is a lot of misinformation out there regarding the use and safety of springpoles for pit bulls. This post will explore a few of the more common questions such as – What is a spring pole? Should my dog use a spring pole? Are spring poles safe for dogs to use? Why do dogs like spring poles so much?? – While also getting into more depth on the use of spring poles, and whether or not a springpole is right for your dog.
Dog Spring Pole FAQ’s
How high do I raise it off the ground?
It is wise to make sure that the spring is not too “springy” and is located close to the ground for a pup. Then, as the dog matures and wants to/is able to hang more you can raise it to suit your dog. There really is no limit or advisable distance for the spring pole to be from the ground, although some advocates of spring pole use suggest never raising it higher than your dog is able to reach the ground with their hind legs.
Where should I put my Spring Pole?
There are a few different options for spring pole construction regarding where it should be placed. You can choose to build a dog spring pole by fastening it to a rafter that is part of a larger structure, as Dan did in his example. You can also construct your own structure, or get more creative and use a tree. If you are using a tree you can either attach the springpole setup directly to a sturdy branch, or attach the springpole to a piece of wood/small structure and place that within the tree itself.
What type of biting surface should I use for the Spring Pole?
The most preferable surfaces are jute, burlap, thick rope, or hemp. DO NOT use anything with metal or other hard materials, this could injure your dog’s jaw and gums.
Can my dog get hurt using a Spring Pole?
Yes, but the truth is, your dog can also get hurt running around in the park with other dogs. As an owner only you can weigh out the pros and cons of allowing your dog to use a spring pole. There have been injuries reported related to spring poles use including broken bones and tails related to falls. To help ensure the safety of your pet please make sure your spring pole is stable before you allow your dog to use it, and for optimal safety do not raise the spring pole higher than the point where your dog is still able to touch ground with his back legs.
Why do Pit Bulls like Spring Poles so much?
Animal behaviorists and Pit Bull lovers alike believe that Pit Bulls (as well as other terriers) like springpoles because the instinct to grab and hold is bred into many of these dogs because of their historical use in bull baiting. The use of a spring pole can be a positive way for your pet to exert these natural tendencies in a calm, controlled environment. Spring poles can also be used to help train your pet, and you should get into the habit of having the dog grab when commanded, and release/return when commanded.
I thought only dog fighters use Spring Poles?
Many caring, loving and responsible dog owners choose to allow their dogs to use spring poles or flirtpoles to help them obtain exercise and alleviate boredom. Pit Bulls and other bully breeds enjoy using spring poles as a form of exercise because it taps into their natural instincts.
How do I know if my dog will like a Spring Pole?
If your dog likes to play tug of war and/or is a bully breed dog such as a Pit Bull, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bulldog, Presa Canario, etc., there is a good chance your dog will enjoy a spring pole.
If there are any questions you have or you want to share your thoughts on spring poles, feel free to leave a comment below!
Sonia Kalcic says
Hi, I have a question regarding this sport. In personal protection training, we don’t recommend having the dogs practice biting the sac or sleeve more than once a week, as it would cause damage to their teeth (loosening), if practised too frequently. Is it the same for spring pole or is there a frequency of practice one should respect? Thanks a bunch!