Dogs metabolize food differently than we do and because of this there are some foods that may be harmful to dogs if ingested. While some of the foods may only cause mild digestive upset, others can cause severe illness and in some cases, death. Here is a table of common food items you should avoid feeding to your dog. [Read more…]
Nutritional Requirements for Large Breed Dogs
Just as we do not like to eat the same thing every day, our dogs also need some variation in their diets so we can be sure they are getting all the essential nutrients they require for healthy coats, skin, teeth and general, overall health. Not only do Bully breeds like Pit Bulls, American Bulldogs, Boxers, Dogo Argentino, Am Staffs, Mastiffs, Bull Terriers and others, require a greater amount of food than most dogs, they also do much better and have longer life expectancies when given a diet including lots of fruits and veggies. Here are my top 5 feeding tips for larger breed dogs: [Read more…]