PETA, the “animal rights” organization that supports breed specific bans, and an end to ownership of animals as companions (for more information see the post – PETA’s Pit Bull and Companion Animal Policies) set a new record for 2008. Documents published on the website PETA Kills Animals show that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals killed about 95 percent of the pets placed into their care during 2008, which translates into roughly 5-6 animals euthanized each day. The public records available through the VA Department of Agriculture and Consumer services show PETA killed 2,124 pets in 2008, placing only 7 in adoptive homes. Over the past 10 years PETA has slaughtered over 20,000 dogs, cats, puppies, kittens, guinea pigs, rabbits, ferrets, and other pets. [Read more…]
PETA’s Pit Bull and Companion Animal Policies
I used to think PETA stood for “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals”, but the more reading I do, the more it becomes apparent that their moniker should actually read, “People Euthanizing Terrific Animals”. Feel free to read through their official policies yourself here – PETA’s Position on Pit Bull Bans (this link has been removed by PETA & replaced with this one). [Read more…]